In November 2018, WKN was awarded contracts for two projects in tenders in Poland. One of these is the Jasna wind farm, which is located at a windy location in the north of Poland. After completion, this will be one of Poland's largest onshore wind farms. With a total nominal capacity of 132 MW, the Jasna wind farm is WKN's largest project to date.
On the one hand, the particular structural challenges are the size of the wind farm, i.e. 39 turbines with a north-south extension of approx. 17 km. On the other hand, particularly demanding is the connection route to the transformer station, which is approx. 70 km long and crosses two rivers, the Vistula and the Nogat. As part of the high-voltage transmission line, about 250 boreholes (microtunneling) must be created, the longest of which, at almost 1.5 km, crosses under the Vistula River.
The project was developed together with the Polish WKN subsidiary Sevivon. In addition, companies of the PNE Group are involved in the construction phase and will provide technical services to the owner after the commissioning of the wind farm. WKN was also responsible for the sale of the wind farm; it was sold to the Munich municipal utilities "ready for construction".
During the 17th edition of the polish conference on trenchless Engineering there were in five categories so called “Titan statues” as awards given – and one of them received the company, which executed the 1.450m long HDD drilling on our High Voltage line for the Jasna windfarm, which was developed by Sevivon Sp. z o.o.
The subcontractor PPI Chrobok of the General Contractor Aldesa did receive an Engineering award for the Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) below Vistula river within the project Jasna: The Titan statue was received in the category “Project of the year” in trenchless engineering methods.
The investor Windfarm Polska III Sp. z o.o. was awarded as well with the Titan investor award.