WKN Haus der Zukunftsenergien

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Press releases and news from Sevivon

In Gniew and Warsaw on the importance of RES in the transformation of the Polish countryside

Representatives of Sevivon, PNE AG took part in two events where the issue of energy transformation of rural areas was discussed. The occasion was the "Fields of Power" conference organized in Pomerania, as well as the 38th General Assembly of the…

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Sevivon at the PV 2024 Congress and the PWEA 2024 conference

Sevivon representatives participated in two important industry events concerning the development of renewable energy sources in Poland: the Polish Wind Energy Association (PWEA) 2024 Conference, held in Świnoujście, and the PV 2024 Congress, held in…

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Sevivon partners with the "Adopt a Meadow" program

We have engaged in a unique initiative that supports increasing biodiversity and sustainable development. Sevivon is one of the participants in the "Adopt a Meadow" project. 

As climate change continues, meadowlands can provide refuge for a variety…

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Sevivon at conferences in Torun and Gdansk. We talk about energy transition

Two important meetings behind us, where we talked about the future of renewable energy. In Torun we participated in the 3rd edition of the Future Energy Congress, and in Gdansk in the II Wind Conference, organized by the PTAcom Friendly Investment…

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Sevivon experts on Farmer.pl. Effective cooperation with landowners in the construction of RES installations

Landowners' interest in green energy investments is growing. Sevivon experts talk about the benefits and challenges facing farmers, in the context of implementation of RES projects, in an interview with the editors of the largest agricultural portal…

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How to accelerate the development of wind energy in Poland? Sevivon partner of the 16th edition of the Urban Planner's Day

The spatial planning reform was one of the most important topics of the 16th edition of the Poznan 'Urban Planner's Day' conference. This year's edition of the event was organised under the motto 'In the maze of reform'. Experts discussed, among…

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A year of important changes for RES, a year of growth for Sevivon

2023 was a landmark year for the renewable energy sector in Poland, especially for wind energy. The changes in the law made it possible to start the implementation phase of projects we have been working on for several years. Welcome to a summary of…

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Challenges and new perspectives of the RES industry. Discussion at Areopag 2023 with the participation of Sevivon

The energy transition we are facing is a challenge for all market participants. Editor Bartłomiej Derski from the Wysokienapięcie.pl portal asked about which direction the changes in the Polish energy sector should go when starting a discussion as…

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Development of RES in the Polish countryside. The 20th Congress of Rural Municipalities

The energy transformation of the Polish countryside was discussed by industry experts, representatives of local authorities and energy companies during the 20th Congress of Rural Municipalities in Jachranka. The cyclical event is organised by the…

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Sevivon at the conference "Renewable Energy Sources in the Polish-German Borderland"

The region is today a leader in the development of wind energy. It is in the coastal belt and its immediate vicinity Poland has the best wind conditions. The importance of renewable energy sources in the functioning of the local economy of western…

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