The wind farm Krzecin is located about 9 km south east of the Choszczno town in the south-western Pomerania in Poland. The windfarm consists of eight planned Nordex N117 turbines 2,4 MW each at a hub height of 120 m.
Forthewind Sp. z o.o. received three building permits in 2016 for all three parts of the windfarm with a total power of 19,2 MW, which constitute of:
The turbines will be located in plain slightly undulating field in about 80 m above the sea level with some single trees and groups of trees approximately 10 m high found 150 – 650 m south-east and small forest with trees height up to 15 m located 300-900 m to the north-east. There are no any significant obstacles around the turbines. The area is mostly used for agriculture. The Krzecin village is located ca. 2 km south of the windfarm.
During the environmental impact assessment, the areas have not been found important for birds or bats.
Investment Details
Downlaod the Non-Technical Summary of the Krzecin wind farm.